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Подшлемник Race V2 FIA, Alpinestars
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Код товара: 4754213..
 Подшлемник Race, Alpinestars

Белье стандарта Формулы 1, создано с использованием инновационной технологии защиты от огня, разработанной Alpinestars. 
FIA 8856-2000 SFI 3.3
Новый материал, более воздушный и эластичный, чем Nomex

Отверстие для питьевой трубки
Расширенный воротник

Lightweight and offering high breathability and flame-resistance properties, the Race Series F1 specification balaclava incorporates a relaxed fit for comfort when wearing a helmet.
Certified to FIA 8856-2000 and SFI 3.3 homologation standards
F1 specification underwear, constructed using an innovative flame resistant technology developed by Alpinestars. Lenzing FR® is a special natural viscose fiber with unique thermal insulation and permanent flame resistance properties that help prevent heat stress and heat stroke.
Lightweight, special material structure offers high breathability performance.
Relaxed fit offers increased comfort.
Extended collar for greater performance.
Special material formulation is more breathable and has better elastic properties than conventional fabrics.
Подшлемник Race V2 FIA, Alpinestars
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