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Kart Chassis Setup Theory and Practical Guide
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 Type: Book
Published: 2010
Author: Dmytro Franchuk
Hardback/Softback: Hardback
Size/Duration: 249mm x 175mm
Number of Pages: 264
Illustrations: Black/White

This book deals with both theoretical and practical aspects of kart handling as a four-wheel vehicle without suspension and differential and is intended for specialists in kart manufacture and maintenance: designers, trainers, drivers and mechanics.

A study is made of the effect of kart chassis parameters on its handling; mathematical models are developed. Based on these models, quantitative characteristics of effect are revealed and determined – both for separate parameters and their interference.

The factors causing wheel slipping as well as the processes determining tyre-to-track surface interacting in the heel pattern were considered. A study is made of kart dynamics during cornering, and the model is created describing the balance of force moments hence applied to the kart.

Based on the results of kart theoretical studies, methodological basics are developed concerning kart adjustment for specific conditions of competitions and practical recommendations for their application were explained.

The book presents the results of the theoretical studies as well as the author's practical observations and conclusions, brought together with more than 10 years of kart conditioning before competitions, their tests during trainings and participation in competitions.

Preface by Giancarlo Tinini, President of CRG SpA

Section Headings: 1 Introduction, 2 Kart Handling Theoretical Basics, 3 Kart Chassis Setup, 4 Afterword, 5 Symbols, 6 Used Sources, 7 Appendixes.
Kart Chassis Setup Theory and Practical Guide
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