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• Clear T12 Tillett seat
• Black quarter upholstered T8 Tillett seat
• Soft T11 VG Tillett seat
• Stickers kit « Sodi Racing »
• Front brake with hand control
• Front brake with pedal |
SODI DELTA 900 отвечает требованиям Mini Kart класса. Этот корпус, который завоевал большинство трас во всей Европе, в том числе Minikart Кубка Франции, испытан и оснащен всеми необходимыми элементами безопасности.
This SODI DELTA 900 meets the requirements of the Mini Kart class. It allows youngsters to take up karting for leisure or racing. This chassis, which has won most races all over the Europe including the Minikart French Cup, benefits from tried and tested techniques and is fitted with all the essential safety components. Available with a mechanical twin-action brake or hydraulic brake (4 pistons and turbo ventilated disk) and a 25 or 30 mm dia. rear axle.
This SODI DELTA 900 is already a benchmark for beginners seeking to learn under the best possible conditions.
• Clear T12 Tillett seat
• Black quarter upholstered T8 Tillett seat
• Black full padded T7 Tillett seat
• Stickers kit |
Один из новейших продуктов в линейке SODI racing, колесная база этого карта на 50 мм длиннее, чем DELTA-900. Благодаря целому ряду инноваций, DELTA-950 обеспечивает высокую эффективность на любой трассе и в любых погодных условиях и уже выиграл много соревнований по всей Европе.
One of the latest products in the SODI racing range, this Kart has a wheelbase 50 mm longer than the DELTA 900. It has been especially designed to optimize performance with hard compound tires.
Thanks to a whole host of innovations, the DELTA 950 provides outstanding efficiency on any track and in all weather conditions and has already won many races all over Europe.
The new international star of its category, the SODI DELTA 950 is available with the famous SODI hydraulic brake (4 pistons and 140 mm turbo ventilated disk) and 30 mm dia. hollow rear axle.
• Clear T12 Tillett seat
• Black quarter upholstered T8 Tillett seat
• Stickers kit
• Plastic rear bumper
NORDICA получило максимальную универсальность корпуса.
Это шасси идеально подходит для молодых водителей многих ведущих категорий по всей Европе (класса MiniMax). Им очень легко управлять, и его можно использовать со всеми типами шин.
With the NORDICA, SODIKART has designed the ultimate in versatile chassis.
This SODI NORDICA is ideally suited for young drivers in many leading categories all over Europe (such as the MiniMax class). Very easy to drive, it can be used with all types of tires (including soft compounds).
This NORDICA boasts an exceptional finish and simplified adjustments which make it an essential chassis that is formidable on all circuits.
The NORDICA is available with 40 mm dia. rear axle and hydraulic brake (4 pistons and 205 or 140 mm dia. turbo ventilated disk).
• Clear T12 Tillett seat
• Black quarter upholstered T8 Tillett seat
• Soft T11 VG Tillett seat
• Stickers kit
• Plastic rear bumper CIK
Impressive! The SODI INNOVA chassis has been dominating all major French Minime and Cadet events for the past 6 years (10 French Champion titles). Specially designed for highly efficient use of the Bridgestone tires used in these categories and for optimized performance in all circumstances, the SODI INNOVA boasts unmatched manufacturing quality and superior finish. It is obviously the "star" chassis for the Minime and Cadet categories!
• Clear T12 Tillett seat
• Black quarter upholstered T8 Tillett seat
• Soft T11 VG Tillett seat
• Stickers kit
• Plastic rear bumper |
With the brand new 2012 SODI CELESTA, Sodikart has designed the general-purpose chassis par excellence without sacrificing performance. Ideal, both for very experienced drivers and for all amateur drivers just Kart for pleasure (beginners and experts), the new SODI CELESTA combine 28 and 30mm TTT tube (Tekneex Tube Technology) and has been specially designed to optimize the performance of the hard, medium and soft rubber compound tires. Very comfortable to drive, its simplified use, easy handling and optimum performance give the new SODI CELESTA chassis a decisive edge over the rest of the field.
• Clear T12 Tillett seat
• Black quarter upholstered T8 Tillett seat
• Soft T11 VG Tillett seat
• Stickers kit
• Front brake with hand control
• Front brake with pedal
With the new SODI SIGMA TTT (Tekneex Tube Technology), Sodikart has developed a chassis that is the new reference, both in domestic competitions and in the world's greatest championships.
Benefitting from the latest innovations of the Sodikart Research Team and the ongoing developments of its racing department, the SIGMA TTT boasts a new technological design.
Its revolutionary manual front brake and its wide range of adjustment possibilities, give the chassis an often decisive edge in all racing situations. On all the podiums of the most important races in the world in 2011 (included the U18 World Championship), the SODI SIGMA is endorsed by the best drivers, the professional structures and has been chosen by Rotax for the International Rotax Max Grand Final.
• Clear T12 Tillett seat
• Black quarter upholstered T8 Tillett seat
• Soft T11 VG Tillett seat
• Stickers kit
• Front brake with hand control
• Front brake with pedal
SODI SIGMA KZ TTT (Tekneex Tube Technology) отвечает запросам даже самых требовательных водителей. Оснащен мощной чувствительной тормозной системой. Использование новейших передовых технологий дает исключительную производительность при любых условиях на трассе.
Currently booming everywhere in the World, the gearbox category will certainly soon be seeing the new SODI SIGMA KZ TTT (Tekneex Tube Technology), an extra-high performance chassis benefiting from all the know-how of the Sodikart plant, on the front line of the grid. The SIGMA KZ 2012 meets the requirements of even the most demanding drivers by providing the best possible response to the particular constraints of 125cc geared engines. Equipped with a braking system that is both powerful and sensitive, and using the latest leading-edge technologies, the SODI SIGMA KZ TTT allows drivers to make the most of the chassis' exceptional performance under all track conditions. Winner of the last Las Vegas Supernational with Anthony Abbasse, the SIGMA KZ will be used in 2012 by the Official Sodi Racing Team and by the best teams all over the World.
• Clear T12 Tillett seat
• Black quarter upholstered T8 Tillett seat
• Soft T11 VG Tillett seat
• Stickers kit |
An exceptional product deserves an exceptional chassis. The new SODI SIGMA DD2 TTT (Tekneex Tube Technology) has been specially designed to accommodate the famous ROTAX Direct Drive engine block. Featuring a two-speed gearbox with paddle shifting, the SIGMA DD2 TTT is characterized by a number of innovations including a chainless direct drive system. Equipped with this fabulous 125cc, 32 DIN-hp engines, the SIGMA DD2 offers breathtaking performance with a perfect blend of technology and driving comfort to satisfy the most demanding of amateur drivers. For a "100% adrenaline" leisure experience or high-level competition, there are no limits with the new 2012 SODI SIGMA DD2.
• Clear T12 Tillett seat
• Black quarter upholstered T8 Tillett seat
• Soft T11 VG Tillett seat
• Stickers kit |
Код товара: LHA.30002
Шапка с логотипом LH |
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